# Titanium.UI.iOS.Animator
Provides support for the built-in iOS dynamic animations
# Overview
The animator provides physics-related capabilities and animations using the iOS physics engine. Each animator is independent of other animators you create. An animator is comprised of behaviors and items. Behaviors define the rules of the animation, while items are the view objects to be animated. An item in the animator can be given multiple behaviors as long as those behaviors belong to the same animator.
To use these dynamic animations, first create the items to animate, then:
1. Create an animator using the Titanium.UI.iOS.createAnimator method.
2. Set the Titanium.UI.iOS.Animator.referenceView property to establish the coordinate system for the animations.
3. Create and add items to one or more of the following behaviors:
- Titanium.UI.iOS.AnchorAttachmentBehavior
- Titanium.UI.iOS.CollisionBehavior
- Titanium.UI.iOS.DynamicItemBehavior
- Titanium.UI.iOS.GravityBehavior
- Titanium.UI.iOS.PushBehavior
- Titanium.UI.iOS.SnapBehavior
- Titanium.UI.iOS.ViewAttachmentBehavior
4. Add these behaviors to the animator with the Titanium.UI.iOS.Animator.addBehavior method.
5. Start the animator with Titanium.UI.iOS.Animator.startAnimator method.
Once all items are at rest, the animator automatically pauses, and resumes if a behavior parameter changes, or a behavior or item is added or removed.
See the behaviors listed above for examples of animating items.
# Reference View
The Titanium view object set to the Animator's Titanium.UI.iOS.Animator.referenceView property establishes the coordinate system for the animation behaviors and items. Each item that needs to be animated must be a child of the reference view.
By default, when you create a collision behavior, the behavior uses the edge's of the reference view as its boundary, so any item within this view cannot be pushed out of it.
Use the following lists as references when specifying your animation behaviors.
The following list notes the location of notable points in the coordinate system, where WIDTH and HEIGHT are the width and height of the reference view, respectively.
- Top-left corner: (0,0)
- Top-right corner: (WIDTH, 0)
- Center: (WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2)
- Bottom-left corner: (0, HEIGHT)
- Bottom-right corner: (WIDTH, HEIGHT)
Note that on iOS a point is equivalent to a display pixel.
Gravity and push forces may be specified as vectors with the gravityDirection
properties, respectively. The following list notes the direction and its
corresponding vector:
- Left: (-x,0)
- Right: (+x,0)
- Up: (0,-y)
- Down: (0,+y)
Gravity and push forces may be specified with the angle
and magnitude
Specify all angle values as radians (360 degrees = 2 * pi radians). The following list notes
the direction and its corresponding angle:
- Right: 0 or 2 * pi
- Down: pi / 2
- Left: pi
- Up: pi / 2 * 3
# Properties
# apiName READONLY
The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
The value of this property is the fully qualified name of the API. For example, Titanium.UI.Button
returns Ti.UI.Button
# bubbleParent
Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
Some proxies (most commonly views) have a relationship to other proxies, often established by the add() method. For example, for a button added to a window, a click event on the button would bubble up to the window. Other common parents are table sections to their rows, table views to their sections, and scrollable views to their views. Set this property to false to disable the bubbling to the proxy's parent.
Default: true
# referenceView
Titanium View object to initialize as the reference view for the animator.
When adding behavior and dynamic items to the animator, the animator bases its coordindate system on the reference view.
# Methods
# addBehavior
Adds a dynamic behavior to the animator.
Specify an instance of one of the following Titanium behavior proxies:
Name | Type | Description |
behavior | Titanium.Proxy | Behavior to add to the animator. |
- Type
- void
# addEventListener
Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | Name of the event. |
callback | Callback<Titanium.Event> | Callback function to invoke when the event is fired. |
- Type
- void
# applyProperties
Applies the properties to the proxy.
Properties are supplied as a dictionary. Each key-value pair in the object is applied to the proxy such that myproxy[key] = value.
Name | Type | Description |
props | Dictionary | A dictionary of properties to apply. |
- Type
- void
# fireEvent
Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | Name of the event. |
event | Dictionary | A dictionary of keys and values to add to the Titanium.Event object sent to the listeners. |
- Type
- void
# removeAllBehaviors
Removes all behaviors from this animator.
- Type
- void
# removeBehavior
Removes the specified behavior from the animator.
Specifiy an instance of one of the following Titanium behavior proxies:
Name | Type | Description |
behavior | Titanium.Proxy | Behavior to remove from the animator. |
- Type
- void
# removeEventListener
Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
Multiple listeners can be registered for the same event, so the
parameter is used to determine which listener to remove.
When adding a listener, you must save a reference to the callback function in order to remove the listener later:
var listener = function() { Ti.API.info("Event listener called."); }
window.addEventListener('click', listener);
To remove the listener, pass in a reference to the callback function:
window.removeEventListener('click', listener);
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | Name of the event. |
callback | Callback<Titanium.Event> | Callback function to remove. Must be the same function passed to |
- Type
- void
# updateItemUsingCurrentState
Updates the animator's state information with the current state of the specified item.
When an item is first added to the animator, the animator reads the initial state of the item, then takes responsibility for updating it. If you actively make changes to the item's properties, such as changing its position or dimensions, use this method to update the item's new state.
Name | Type | Description |
item | Titanium.UI.View | Item to update with new state information. |
- Type
- void