# User Interface Fundamentals

In the preceding chapters, we've covered the Titanium platform, coding strategies, and basic mobile project skills. Starting in this chapter, we'll actually start writing apps by examining how to build your user interface in Titanium. You'll explore app structure, UI layout, component positioning, and user interaction.

# Sections in this chapter

Application Structures and Core Building Blocks

In this section, you'll take a look at the core building blocks of a Titanium app. Tab groups, windows, and their core functionality will be discussed here.

Layouts, Positioning, and the View Hierarchy

Next, you'll see how to lay out and position your user interface components. You'll examine the view hierarchy to see how it affects positioning and layering.

Event Handling

In this section, you'll learn how to respond to user interactions by handling events. You'll look at some of the built in events, such as taps and clicks. You'll also look at how you can send and receive custom events at the component and application level.


Tables are a very common mobile UI component. In this section, you'll explore the TableView and TableViewRow APIs to discover some of the more powerful and advanced features available through the Titanium API.

Icons and Splash Screens

In this section, you'll learn how to set a custom icon and splash screen for your Titanium app.

Android UI Components and Conventions

In this section, you'll examine some of the user interface and user experience components that are specific to Android.

iOS UI Components and Conventions

Finally, you'll examine some of the user interface and user experience components that are specific to iOS.

So let's get started: Application Structures and Core Building Blocks >