# Transfer your app from Appcelerator CLI to Titanium CLI

# Introduction

Axway transferred Titanium to the community in March 2022. You can still create apps or use existing apps, but you won't have access to the Axway services (e.g. Push, Analytics). You might also see a message like You cannot perform this operation with your current plan. Please upgrade to build your application for production distribution. It's time to update the CLI!

Here are some steps you have to have a look at or change if you want to build your apps:


If you don't use services you can do the change right away!

The appc CLI will go away and you have to use the ti commands. Basically they are the same and you can create and compile your apps with both CLIs. E.g.

ti build -p android  -T device

will be

ti build -p android  -T device

You can either look at ti --help or use an IDE (Atom or VSCode). Both editor packages support the ti cli inside their settings.

# tiapp.xml

The tiapp.xml contains a <guid> that is registered at Appcelerator. Currently you have to generate a new GUID e.g. with https://www.guidgenerator.com/ to switch from appc to ti. Once the server/service is gone it doesn't matter. But currently you have to change that GUID.
Another entry is <analytics>false</analytics>. Set it false and use a different anlytics module if you'll need it.
And if you have other <appc-...> or <property name="appc-...""> nodes at the end of your xml you can remove them. Again: only if you don't use the services at the moment!

# Create a new app

If you want to create a new app you should use the open-source CLI:

ti create

and follow that menu. Then inside that folder run alloy new to convert the classic app to an Alloy app.

# Editor

As of March 2nd 2022 the editor packages now only use the ti and alloy CLI's. If your package is still using the appc CLI please check for extension updates.

# Modules

If you use (old) Appcelerator modules you'll have to either remove them and replace them with free ones or check https://github.com/appcelerator-modules/ if the module is open source now and replace it with that version.

This document was adapted from https://github.com/m1ga/from_zero_to_app/blob/master/appc_to_ti.md#cli (opens new window)