# WKWebView

# Overview

WKWebView is an open source project to support the WKWebView API (opens new window) with Titanium SDK.

# Requirements

  • Titanium SDK

  • iOS 9+

  • Xcode 7+

# Titanium SDK 8.0.0 release

⚠️ Warning

With Titanium SDK 8.0.0, we now use WKWebView to implement Ti.UI.WebView (as Apple has deprecated UIWebView (opens new window)).

Adding the following to your HTML will make a WKWebView scale its content the same was as the old UIWebView.

WKWebView scaling

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

WKWebView also has few restriction specially with local file accessing. For supporting custom-fonts with WKWebView a little modification is required in the HTML files:

      font-family: 'Lato-Regular';
      src: url('fonts/Lato-Regular.ttf');


Download the stable release (opens new window), unpack the module, and place it inside the modules/iphone directory of your project. Edit the iOS and modules section of your tiapp.xml file to include this module:

tiapp.xml update


# Features

# API's

Name Example
WebView WK.createWebView(args)
ProcessPool WK.createProcessPool()
Configuration WK.createConfiguration()

# WebView

# Properties

Name Type
disableBounce Boolean
scalesPageToFit Boolean
disableZoom Boolean
allowsBackForwardNavigationGestures Boolean
allowsLinkPreview Boolean
scrollsToTop Boolean
disableContextMenu Boolean
userAgent String
url String
data Ti.Blob, Ti.File
html String
title String
progress Number
backForwardList Object
ignoreSslError Boolean
basicAuthentication Object

* username (String)

* password (String)

cachePolicy CACHE_POLICY_*
timeout Number
selectionGranularity SELECTION_GRANULARITY_*
allowedURLSchemes Array<String>
touchEnabled Boolean
willHandleTouches Boolean
requestHeaders Object<String, Any>
zoomLevel Number
keyboardDisplayRequiresUserAction Boolean

# Methods

Name Parameter Return
stopLoading - Void
setHtml html, options (Object - { baseURL, mimeType }, optional) Void
reload - Void
repaint - Void
goBack - Void
goForward - Void
canGoBack - Boolean
canGoForward - Boolean
isLoading - Boolean
evalJS ** Code (String), Callback (Function)
startListeningToProperties Array Void
stopListeningToProperties Array Void
fireEvent Name (String), Payload (Object) Void
addEventListener Name (String), Callback (Function) Void
removeEventListener Name (String), Callback (Function) Void
takeSnapshot * Callback (Function) Void
addUserScript Object: source (String), injectionTime (INJECTION_TIME_*), mainFrameOnly (Boolean) Void
removeAllUserScripts - Void
addScriptMessageHandler Name (String) Void
removeScriptMessageHandler Name (String) Void

* Available on iOS 11.0+

** Since iOS 12.0, using evalJS in sync is not possible anymore, because the internal callback is now called on the main thread, causing a deadlock in the run-loop that is used to return the value synchronously. To fix this, use the asynchronous solution:

webView.evalJS('document.title', function (e) {

# Events

Name Properties
message name, body, url, isMainFrame
progress value, url
beforeload url, navigationType, title
load url, title
redirect url, title
error success, url, error, code
sslerror url
handleurl url
blacklisturl url

# Constants

Name Property
CREDENTIAL_PERSISTENCE_NONE basicAuthentication.persistence
CREDENTIAL_PERSISTENCE_FOR_SESSION basicAuthentication.persistence
CREDENTIAL_PERSISTENCE_PERMANENT basicAuthentication.persistence
AUDIOVISUAL_MEDIA_TYPE_NONE mediaTypesRequiringUserActionForPlayback
AUDIOVISUAL_MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO mediaTypesRequiringUserActionForPlayback
AUDIOVISUAL_MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO mediaTypesRequiringUserActionForPlayback
AUDIOVISUAL_MEDIA_TYPE_ALL mediaTypesRequiringUserActionForPlayback
ACTION_POLICY_CANCEL handleurl (Event)
ACTION_POLICY_ALLOW handleurl (Event)
INJECTION_TIME_DOCUMENT_END addUserScript.injectionTime

# WebView <-> App Communication

You can send data from the Web View to your native app by posting messages like this:

Send data from the Web View

window.webkit.messageHandlers.Ti.postMessage({ message: 'Titanium rocks!' },'*');

Please note that you should use the Ti message handler to ensure the message event is triggered. This also ensures that your app does not receive unwanted messages by remote pages.

After sending the message from your HTML file, it will trigger the message event with the following event keys:

  • url: The url of the triggered message

  • body: The message body. In this case: {message: 'Titanium rocks'}

  • name: The name of the message. In this case: Ti

  • isMainFrame: A boolean determine if the message was sent from the main-frame

For sending messages from the app to the Web View, use evalJS to call your JS methods like this:

Send messages from the app to the Web View


Check out the example file (opens new window) for sending and receiving message back and forth.

Note 1: Since 2.3.0, this module also supports synchronous communication via evalJSSync. Instead of evalJS, it takes only one parameter (the code to evaluate) and no callback. Instead, it returns the JavaScript evaluation result directly. While we understand there might be use-cases for this functionality, we highly recommend using asynchronous communication instead since synchronous method calls with block the user interface and may cause in an app-termination for long-running evaluations.

Note 2: Since 2.4.0, this modules also supports Ti.App-like events that allows the developer to fire events and add event-listeners to ease the communication between the app and the web-view. These are:

  • fireEvent

  • addEventListener

  • removeEventListener

Different to the Ti.App events, these ones are fired on the top-level module instance.

Ti.App events

var WK = require('ti.wkwebview');

// Fire event
WK.fireEvent('myEvent', { message: 'Titanium rocks!' });

// Listen to events
WK.addEventListener('myEvent', function(e) { ... });

The above events can be used on the JavaScript side as well. The following is an example on how to use them in your HTML file (ensure that there is no concurring WK variable):

Ti.App events in HTML

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Local HTML</title>
    <p>Hello world!</p>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      // Listen to the native Titanium event
      WK.addEventListener('testEvent', function(e) { // Fire back an event to the native Titanium app
        WK.fireEvent('testEventBack', { message: 'It worked!' });

# Saving Images

If you want to allow users to browse the internet (e.g. by using a remote site), ensure to include the NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription key in tiapp.xml. Different to the UIWebView and its Ti.UI.WebViewimplementation, the WKWebView is more configurable but require the developer to act more carefully.

# Inter-App Communication

For using the URL schemes mailto, tel, sms and itms-services you only have to set the allowedURLSchemes property. Other URL schemes (i.e. fb) additionally need the corresponding LSApplicationQueriesSchemes key in the iOS plist dictionary of your tiapp.xml:

iOS plist dictionary


# Generic Property Observing

You can listen to changes in some of the native properties (see the native KVO-capability).

// Start listening for changes
webView.startListeningToProperties([ 'title' ]); // Add an event listener for the change
webView.addEventListener( 'title' , function(e) { // Check for e.value }); // Remove listening to changes (remove the event listener as well to keep it more clean)
webView.stopListeningToProperties([ 'title' ]);

# Configuration

Use the configuration API to configure the initial web-view. This property can only be set when creating the webview and will be ignored when set afterwards.

Configuration API

var WK = require('ti.wkwebview');
var config = WK.createConfiguration({ allowsPictureInPictureMediaPlaback: true });
var webView = WK.createWebView({ configuration: config });

# Properties

Name Type
mediaTypesRequiringUserActionForPlayback AUDIOVISUAL_MEDIA_TYPE_*
suppressesIncrementalRendering Boolean
preferences Object

* minimumFontSize (Double)

* javaScriptEnabled (Boolean)

* javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically (Boolean)
allowsInlineMediaPlayback Boolean
allowsAirPlayMediaPayback Boolean
allowsPictureInPictureMediaPlaback Boolean
processPool ProcessPool

# Process pool

Use process pools to share cookies between webviews. Process pools do not take arguments, just pass the same reference to multiple web views.

Process pools

var WK = require( 'ti.wkwebview' );
var pool = WK.createProcessPool();
var config1 = WK.createConfiguration({ processPool: pool });
var config2 = WK.createConfiguration({ processPool: pool });
var firstWebView = WK.createWebView({ configuration: config1 });
var secondWebView = WK.createWebView({ configuration: config2 });

# Handle custom URL-schemes

  • The custom url-scheme has to be registered in the allowedURLSchemes array-property

  • Passes the url for a custom url-scheme

  • The event was introduced because iOS 10+ causes issues for some custom url-schemes and forwarding the url in an event is a simpler short term solution than implementing the WKURLSchemeHandler which is iOS 11+ only.

// Add an event listener to listen for a custom URL-scheme
webView.addEventListener('handleurl', function(e) {
  var handler = e.handler;
