# Titanium SDK 8.2.0.GA - 19 September 2019

# About this release

Titanium SDK 8.2.0 is a minor release of the SDK, addressing high-priority issues from previous releases.This release is geared towards supporting iOS 13.

As of this release, Titanium SDK 8.1.x.x will not receive updates more than six months after the release of 8.2.0 (current) (2020-03-19). Any needed fixes will be in 8.2.x or later supported releases within the 8.x branch. See Axway Appcelerator Deprecation Policy and Nominal Lifetimes documents for details.

❗️ Warning

With the release of Titanium SDK 9.0.0, we will no longer support Node.js 8.X. Node 10.13.0 will be the new minimum supported version with SDK 9.0.0.

# Notice of feature and behavior Changes

  • TIMOB-27126 (opens new window) - iOS 13: Support dark mode

    • Added TiColor support for all color-setters

    • In iOS 13, Apple introduced support for users to adopt a system-wide Dark Mode setting where the screens, view, menus, and controls use a darker color palette. You can read more about this in the Apple Human Interface Guidelines (opens new window). There are two aspects to dark mode that can be specified for your app: colors and images. To specify colors for dark mode, also known as semantic colors, first create a file called semantic.colors.json in the Resources directory for classic applications, or in the assets directory for Alloy applications. Then you can specify color names in the following format:

        "textColor": { // the name for your color
          "dark": {
          "color": "#ff85e2", // hex color code to be set
          "alpha": "50.0" // can be set from a range of 0-100
        "light": "#ff1f1f"
    • To reference these colors in your application use the Titanium.UI.fetchSemanticColor API method, this is a cross platform API that on iOS 13 and above will use the native method that checks the users system-wide setting, and in all other instances will check the Titanium.UI.semanticColorType property and return the correct color for the current setting.

    • Note: Dark Mode images are iOS only.

    • To specify dark mode images, use the -dark suffix on the image name. When building your app the images are set as the dark mode variant, then refer to images as normal and iOS will select the correct image dependent on the users system-wide setting.

    • For example given an image logo.png with @2x and @3x variants, the following dark mode images should exist:

    • And you would reference the image as before using logo-dark.png

# New features

  • MOD-2534 (opens new window) - TiAPI: Update Facebook SDK's to latest (iOS 5.5.0, Android 5.4.0) to support iOS 13

  • TIMOB-26566 (opens new window) - iOS: Add ability to remove previously added motion effects

    • Added clearMotionEffects() method
  • TIMOB-27127 (opens new window) - iOS 13 : Expose new APIs to support Apple login

  • TIMOB-27133 (opens new window) - iOS 13: Add support for SF Symbols

    • Added support for SF Symbols (opens new window)

    •   var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({
            backgroundColor: '#fff'
        var triangle = Ti.UI.iOS.systemImage('drop.triangle.fill');
        var forward = Ti.UI.iOS.systemImage('forward');
        var backward = Ti.UI.iOS.systemImage('backward');
        var folder = Ti.UI.iOS.systemImage('folder.fill');
        var imageView = Ti.UI.createImageView({
            width: '150',
            height: '150',
            image: triangle,
            tintColor: 'red'
        var button = Ti.UI.createButton({
            top: 60,
            width: 100,
            height: 50,
            //backgroundImage: folder
            image: folder
        var stepper = Ti.UI.iOS.createStepper({
            top: 150,
            incrementImage: forward,
            decrementImage: backward
  • TIMOB-27142 (opens new window) - iOS 13 : Multiple row selection in ListView

    • Added multiple row selection support in ListView and TableView

    • Ti.UI.ListView

      var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({
          backgroundColor: '#fff'
      var nav = Ti.UI.createNavigationWindow({
        window: win,
       var items = [];
       for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
                  properties: {
                      title: 'Item ' + i,
                      canEdit: true,
      var list = Ti.UI.createListView({
          allowsMultipleSelectionDuringEditing: true,
          allowsMultipleSelectionInteraction: true,
          sections: [Ti.UI.createListSection({
                      items: items
       list.addEventListener('itemclick', function(e) {
          Ti.API.info('click at index: ' + e.itemIndex);
       list.addEventListener("delete", function(e){
          Ti.API.info("Deleted Row Index is is: " +e.itemIndex);
          Ti.API.info("Deleted Section Index is is: " +e.sectionIndex);
        list.addEventListener("itemsselected", function(e){
          Ti.API.info("Selected  Item count is: " +e.selectedItems.length);
        var dialog = Ti.UI.createAlertDialog({
          buttonNames: ['Change Color', 'Cancel'],
          message: 'Would you like to change title color of selected rows?',
        dialog.addEventListener('click', function(f) {
          if (f.index === 1) {
            list.editing = false;
          } else {
              for (var i = 0; i < e.selectedItems.length; i++) {
                  var rowObject = e.selectedItems[i];
                  var item = rowObject.section.getItemAt(rowObject.itemIndex)
                  item.properties.color = 'green';
                  rowObject.section.updateItemAt(rowObject.itemIndex, item);
              list.editing = false;
  • TIMOB-27376 (opens new window) - iOS: Malformed Xcode project warning printed on every build

    • Fixed duplicate reference warnings

# Community credits

# Fixed issues

# Improvements

  • TIMOB-26573 (opens new window) - TiAPI: Make Ti.Buffer Node-compatible with Node's Buffer type

    • Added Node.js compatible Buffer module
  • TIMOB-27125 (opens new window) - iOS 13: Make iOS development-project compatible with Xcode 11

    • Added support for Xcode 11 and iOS 13 development environment
  • TIMOB-27163 (opens new window) - iOS: Update Xcode project template settings and resolve warnings

    • Resolved project warnings for missing method selectors, nullability flags, and strict prototypes
  • TIMOB-27169 (opens new window) - iOS 13: Prevent modal windows from being swiped down

    • Added support to prevent modal windows from being swiped down

    •   var window1 = Ti.UI.createWindow({
            title: "Modal Window",
            backgroundColor: 'white'
        var win = Ti.UI.createNavigationWindow({ window: window1 });
        var button1 = Ti.UI.createButton({ title: 'Open Window' });
        var window2 = Ti.UI.createWindow({ backgroundColor: 'blue' });
        var button2 = Ti.UI.createButton({ title: 'Close Window' });
        button1.addEventListener('click', function(e){
            forceModal: true
        button2.addEventListener('click', function(e){
  • TIMOB-27171 (opens new window) - iOS 13: Support new UITableViewStyleInsetGrouped style in list-view

    • Added support for UITableViewStyleInsetGrouped style in ListView
  • TIMOB-27209 (opens new window) - iOS: Be able to determine dark / light mode, as well as changes on it

    • Added feature that allows for detection of dark and light mode

    •   var currentStyle = Ti.App.iOS.userInterfaceStyle;
        console.log('Initial style:' + formattedUserInterfaceStyle(currentStyle));
        var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({
            backgroundColor: '#fff'
        var btn = Ti.UI.createButton({
            title: 'Check User Interface Style'
        btn.addEventListener('click', function() {
            Ti.API.info('User Interface Style: ' + formattedUserInterfaceStyle(currentStyle));
        Ti.App.iOS.addEventListener('traitcollectionchange', function (event) {
            if (currentStyle !== Ti.App.iOS.userInterfaceStyle) {
                currentStyle = Ti.App.iOS.userInterfaceStyle;
                Ti.API.info('User Interface Style changed: ' + formattedUserInterfaceStyle(currentStyle));
        function formattedUserInterfaceStyle(style) {
            switch (style) {
                case Ti.App.iOS.USER_INTERFACE_STYLE_LIGHT: return 'Light';
                case Ti.App.iOS.USER_INTERFACE_STYLE_DARK: return 'Dark';
            return 'Unspecified';
  • TIMOB-27273 (opens new window) - iOS 13: Support new type of status bar style UIStatusBarStyleDarkContent

    • Added support for UIStatusBarStyleDarkContent

    •   var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({
            backgroundColor: 'white',
            statusBarStyle: Ti.UI.iOS.StatusBar.DARK_CONTENT
        var btn = Ti.UI.createButton({ title: 'Trigger' });
        btn.addEventListener('click', function() {
            Ti.API.info('Hello world!');
  • TIMOB-27310 (opens new window) - iOS 13: Support new type of UIBlurEffectStyle constants

    • Added support for UIBlurEffectStyle
  • TIMOB-27318 (opens new window) - iOS: Use swift 5 for apple watch template

    • Updated Swift to version 5 for Apple watch template
  • TIMOB-27358 (opens new window) - iOS: Support Apple Developer certificates

    • Added support for generic Apple certificates
  • TIMOB-27395 (opens new window) - iOS: Support new devices in os.cpus()

    • Included new iPhone models into os extension

# API changes

# New APIs

The following APIs are new or have expanded platform support in release 8.2.0.

API Type Notes
Titanium.App.iOS.USER_INTERFACE_STYLE_DARK property A dark interface style. (New API, supported on iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.App.iOS.USER_INTERFACE_STYLE_LIGHT property A light interface style. (New API, supported on iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.App.iOS.USER_INTERFACE_STYLE_UNSPECIFIED property An unspecified interface style. (New API, supported on iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.App.iOS.getUserInterfaceStyle method Access Titanium.App.iOS.userInterfaceStyle instead.
Titanium.App.iOS.traitcollectionchange event Fired when the trait collection of the device changes, e.g. the user interface style. (New API, supported on iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.App.iOS.userInterfaceStyle property The style associated with the user interface. (New API, supported on iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.UI.ListView.allowsMultipleSelectionInteraction property Allows a two-finger pan gesture to automatically transition the table view into editing mode and start selecting rows. (New API, supported on iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.UI.ListView.getAllowsMultipleSelectionInteraction method Access Titanium.UI.ListView.allowsMultipleSelectionInteraction instead.
Titanium.UI.ListView.itemsselected event Fired when user stops two-pan gesture interaction for selecting multiple items.It is used with Titanium.UI.ListView.allowsMultipleSelectionInteraction.(New API, supported on iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.UI.ListView.setAllowsMultipleSelectionInteraction method Set the value using Titanium.UI.ListView.allowsMultipleSelectionInteraction instead.
Titanium.UI.SEMANTIC_COLOR_TYPE_DARK property Return the dark value from the applications colorset (New API, supported on Android, iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.UI.SEMANTIC_COLOR_TYPE_LIGHT property Return the light value from the applications colorset. (New API, supported on Android, iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.UI.TableView.allowsMultipleSelectionDuringEditing property Determines whether multiple items of this table view can be selected at the same time while editing the table. (New API, supported on iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.UI.TableView.allowsMultipleSelectionInteraction property Allows a two-finger pan gesture to automatically transition the table view into editing mode and start selecting rows. (New API, supported on iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.UI.TableView.getAllowsMultipleSelectionDuringEditing method Access Titanium.UI.TableView.allowsMultipleSelectionDuringEditing instead.
Titanium.UI.TableView.getAllowsMultipleSelectionInteraction method Access Titanium.UI.TableView.allowsMultipleSelectionInteraction instead.
Titanium.UI.TableView.rowsselected event Fired when user stops two-pan gesture interaction for selecting multiple rows.It is used in conjunction with Titanium.UI.TableView.allowsMultipleSelectionInteraction.(New API, supported on iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.UI.TableView.setAllowsMultipleSelectionDuringEditing method Set the value using Titanium.UI.TableView.allowsMultipleSelectionDuringEditing instead.
Titanium.UI.TableView.setAllowsMultipleSelectionInteraction method Set the value using Titanium.UI.TableView.allowsMultipleSelectionInteraction instead.
Titanium.UI.View.clearMotionEffects method Removes all previously added motion effects. (New API, supported on iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.UI.fetchSemanticColor method Fetches the correct color to be used with a UI element dependent on the users current dark mode setting on iOS 13 and above, or the Titanium.UI.semanticColorType setting in other instances.(New API, supported on Android, iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.UI.getSemanticColorType method Access Titanium.UI.semanticColorType instead.
Titanium.UI.iOS.BLUR_EFFECT_STYLE_SYSTEM_CHROME_MATERIAL property Use with BlurView.effect to specify a blur effect.(New API, supported on iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.UI.iOS.BLUR_EFFECT_STYLE_SYSTEM_CHROME_MATERIAL_DARK property Use with BlurView.effect to specify a blur effect.(New API, supported on iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.UI.iOS.BLUR_EFFECT_STYLE_SYSTEM_CHROME_MATERIAL_LIGHT property Use with BlurView.effect to specify a blur effect.(New API, supported on iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.UI.iOS.BLUR_EFFECT_STYLE_SYSTEM_MATERIAL property Use with BlurView.effect to specify a blur effect.(New API, supported on iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.UI.iOS.BLUR_EFFECT_STYLE_SYSTEM_MATERIAL_DARK property Use with BlurView.effect to specify a blur effect.(New API, supported on iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.UI.iOS.BLUR_EFFECT_STYLE_SYSTEM_MATERIAL_LIGHT property Use with BlurView.effect to specify a blur effect.(New API, supported on iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.UI.iOS.BLUR_EFFECT_STYLE_SYSTEM_THICK_MATERIAL property Use with BlurView.effect to specify a blur effect.(New API, supported on iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.UI.iOS.BLUR_EFFECT_STYLE_SYSTEM_THICK_MATERIAL_DARK property Use with BlurView.effect to specify a blur effect.(New API, supported on iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.UI.iOS.BLUR_EFFECT_STYLE_SYSTEM_THICK_MATERIAL_LIGHT property Use with BlurView.effect to specify a blur effect.(New API, supported on iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.UI.iOS.BLUR_EFFECT_STYLE_SYSTEM_THIN_MATERIAL property Use with BlurView.effect to specify a blur effect.(New API, supported on iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.UI.iOS.BLUR_EFFECT_STYLE_SYSTEM_THIN_MATERIAL_DARK property Use with BlurView.effect to specify a blur effect.(New API, supported on iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.UI.iOS.BLUR_EFFECT_STYLE_SYSTEM_THIN_MATERIAL_LIGHT property Use with BlurView.effect to specify a blur effect.(New API, supported on iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.UI.iOS.BLUR_EFFECT_STYLE_SYSTEM_ULTRA_THIN_MATERIAL property Use with BlurView.effect to specify a blur effect.(New API, supported on iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.UI.iOS.BLUR_EFFECT_STYLE_SYSTEM_ULTRA_THIN_MATERIAL_DARK property Use with BlurView.effect to specify a blur effect.(New API, supported on iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.UI.iOS.BLUR_EFFECT_STYLE_SYSTEM_ULTRA_THIN_MATERIAL_LIGHT property Use with BlurView.effect to specify a blur effect.(New API, supported on iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.UI.iOS.TableViewStyle.INSET_GROUPED property A table view whose sections present distinct groups of rows and grouped sections are inset with rounded corners.The section headers and footers do not float.(New API, supported on iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.UI.iOS.systemImage method Get image from SF Symbols provided by Apple.(New API, supported on iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.UI.semanticColorType property When running on Android, iOS 10 or lower, or Windows the value to return form the applications colorset. (New API, supported on Android, iPhone and iPad.)
Titanium.UI.setSemanticColorType method Set the value using Titanium.UI.semanticColorType instead.

# SDK modules versions

# Android and iOS

Module Android version iOS version
urlSession n/a 2.2.0
facebook 8.0.0 7.0.0
ti_coremotion n/a 2.0.1
ti_map 4.3.1 3.1.2
ti_safaridialog n/a 1.1.1
ti_webdialog 1.1.0 1.1.0
ti_touchid 3.0.1 2.1.4
ti_identity 2.1.0 1.0.6
ti_cloudpush 6.0.1 n/a
ti_playservices 16.1.3 n/a

# CommonJS

Module Version
ti.cloud 3.2.11

# Hyperloop

Module Version
Hyperloop 4.0.4