# Titanium SDK 12.2.0.RC Release Note

# Titanium SDK 12.2.0.RC - 11 August 2023

# About this release

The release candidate of the next Titanium SDK is available: 12.2.0.RC. Titanium SDK 12.2.0 is a minor release of the SDK, adding new features as well as addressing high-priority issues from previous releases. Highlights of this release are:

  • Support for iOS 17 and Xcode 15
  • New Android APIs
  • iOS stability improvements

# iOS 17 and Xcode 15 Support

Starting with this release, we are adding early support for the iOS 17 and Xcode 15 SDKs, which are currently in Beta and planned to released by September this year. Using Titanium SDK 12.2.0.RC and later, you will be able to not only run your currently bundled apps in the iOS 17 Simulator, but also target the iOS 17 platform by default, making sure that your apps will run smoothly when the release comes out soon.

In addition, if you are interested in new APIs that haven't been covered, yet, make sure to let us know via TiSlack (opens new window) and the community will try to add them for you.

Finally, we encourage all developers to their apps sooner than later to prevent disruptions and platform specific bugs. Also, please make sure to report all issues via TiSlack (opens new window), so we can fix them for the GA version of Titanium SDK 12.2.0, which is planned for September as well.

# Community Credits

# Bug Fixes

# Multiple platforms

# iOS platform

# Features

# Multiple platforms

# Android platform

# iOS platform

# SDK Module Versions

Module Android version iOS Version
facebook 12.0.0 13.0.0
ti.map 5.5.2 7.0.0
ti.webdialog 2.2.0 3.0.2
ti.playservices 18.2.0 n/a
ti.identity 3.1.0 5.0.0
urlSession n/a 4.0.1
ti.coremotion n/a 4.0.1
ti.applesignin n/a 3.1.2
hyperloop 7.0.5 7.0.5