# Titanium SDK 12.1.1.GA Release Note

# Titanium SDK 12.1.1.GA - 28 April 2023

# About this release

The next stable version of the Titanium SDK is now is available: 12.1.1.GA. Titanium SDK 12.1.1 is a patch release of the SDK, addressing an issue from 12.1.0.GA where apps could not build with older versions of Xcode. This was now restored!

# Bug Fixes

# iOS platform

# SDK Module Versions

Module Android version iOS Version
facebook 12.0.0 13.0.0
ti.map 5.5.1 7.0.0
ti.webdialog 2.2.0 3.0.2
ti.playservices 18.2.0 n/a
ti.identity 3.1.0 5.0.0
urlSession n/a 4.0.1
ti.coremotion n/a 4.0.1
ti.applesignin n/a 3.1.2
hyperloop 7.0.4 7.0.4