# Titanium SDK 9.3.0.RC - 1 December 2020

# About this release

Titanium SDK 9.3.0 is a minor release of the SDK, addressing high-priority issues from previous releases.

As of this release, Titanium SDK 9.2.x will not receive updates more than six months after the release of 9.3.0 (2021-05-01). Any needed fixes will be in 9.3.x or later supported releases within the 9.x branch. See Axway Appcelerator Deprecation Policy (opens new window) and Nominal Lifetimes (opens new window) documents for details.

❗️ Warning

With the release of Titanium SDK 9.0.0, we no longer support Node.js 8.X. Node 10.13.0 is the new minimum supported version.


Titanium SDK 9.3.0 is primarily focused on providing support for Android 11.

# Community Credits

# Features

# Android platform

# iOS platform

# Multiple platforms

# Bug Fixes

# Android platform

# Multiple platforms

# iOS platform

# SDK Module Versions

Module Android version iOS version
facebook 10.0.0 9.0.0
ti.cloudpush 7.1.0 n/a
ti.map 5.0.1 4.0.1
ti.webdialog 2.0.0 2.0.0
ti.playservices 17.5.0 n/a
ti.identity 3.0.2 2.0.0
urlSession n/a 3.0.0
ti.coremotion n/a 3.0.0
ti.applesignin n/a 2.0.0
ti.cloud 3.2.11 3.2.11
hyperloop 6.0.2 6.0.2