# Titanium SDK 9.1.0.RC - 14 August 2020

# About this release

Titanium SDK 9.1.0 is a minor release of the SDK, addressing high-priority issues from previous releases, as well as the addition of new features/functionality/APIs.

As of this release, Titanium SDK 9.0.x will not receive updates more than six months after the release of 9.1.0 (2021-02-14). Any needed fixes will be in 9.1.x or later supported releases within the 9.x branch. See Axway Appcelerator Deprecation Policy (opens new window) and Nominal Lifetimes (opens new window) documents for details.

❗️ Warning

With the release of Titanium SDK 9.0.0, we will no longer support Node.js 8.X. Node 10.13.0 will be the new minimum supported version with SDK 9.0.0.

❗️ Warning

Deprecation Notice: The next major release of the Titanium CLI, version 6.0.0, will no longer support plugins and hooks for commands other than "appc ti clean", "ti clean", "appc run", and "ti build". Titanium CLI v6 will have a new plugin system with a new hook system and it will be incompatible with Titanium CLI v5 plugins and hooks. Please refer to TIMOB-27233 (opens new window) and TIMOB-27255 (opens new window) for more information.

❗️ Warning

With the release of Titanium SDK 9.0.0, Windows platform will no longer be supported and has been removed from distribution in the SDK. Customers on Pro and Enterprise plans may continue to request critical fixes on SDK 8.x releases until August 18, 2020.

# Overview

Titanium SDK 9.1.0's Notable new features include: Webpack project support (opens new window), IntlJS APIs on both major platforms, Cross-platform Dark/Light mode theming, Named/Semantic Colors, new focused/closed query methods on some UI components, cross-platform parity for Ti.UI.Shortcut, and Ti.UI.View.borderRadius extended to support 2 or 4 values (in addition to single value existing support) to allow for custom border radii (rounded corners).

# Community Credits

# Bug Fixes

# Android platform

# iOS platform

# Multiple platforms

# Features

# Android platform

# iOS platform

# Multiple platforms

# SDK Module Versions

Module Android version iOS Version
facebook 9.0.0 8.0.0
ti.cloudpush 7.1.0 n/a
ti.map 5.0.1 3.3.0
ti.webdialog 2.0.0 1.2.0
ti.playservices 17.1.1 n/a
ti.identity 3.0.2 1.1.0
urlSession n/a 2.2.0
ti.coremotion n/a 2.1.0
ti.applesignin n/a 1.1.1
ti.cloud 3.2.11 3.2.11
hyperloop 5.0.3 5.0.3