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# PurgeTSS

# Overview

PurgeTSS is a powerful Alloy addon designed to enhance the process of developing visually captivating mobile applications for Titanium.

It offers a range of tools such as customizable utility classes, support for icon fonts, a user-friendly Animation module, a straightforward grid system, and the added convenience of the shades command for crafting personalized colors. With PurgeTSS, creating visually appealing and dynamic mobile apps becomes more accessible and efficient.

This guide provides basic instructions on using PurgeTSS for your project.

# Command-line interface usage

alloy purgetss

# Key features of PurgeTSS

  • Provides more than 21,000 Tailwind-like (opens new window) utility classes ready to use in your projects.
  • Creates a clean app.tss file with only the classes used in your project by parsing all your XML files.
  • You can customize any of the default classes via a simple configuration file, or create just-in-time classes with arbitrary values within your Views.
  • You can easily use icon fonts from Font Awesome, Material Icons, Material Symbols, and Framework7-Icons on Buttons and Labels.
  • Generates a fonts.tss file with all class definitions and fontFamily selectors for any icon, serif, sans-serif, italic, fancy, or monospace font.
  • Use the shades command to generate custom color shades from the given hex color to use in your projects. No need for a separate online tool.
  • Includes an Animation module to apply basic 2D Matrix animations or transform to any element or array of elements.
  • Includes a simple two-dimensional Grid System to align and distribute elements in your Views.

# Visit the official documentation site at purgetss.com (opens new window) to learn more.

# Table of Content